Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shaun White

Today I don't have much to talk about so I thought I'd address the sport's most famous athlete, Shaun White. Before I start I want to put it out there that I DO respect Shaun White for doing what he has for the sport of snowboarding, both by inventing tricks and getting more publicity into the sport. However, there is a lot that he does that I do not like. First and foremost, he is not a snowboarder's snowboarder. He seems to care more about his individual progress and success than he does about the progression of the sport as a whole. I say this because, as many of you know, he had a private pipe built for him last year in the middle of nowhere, Colorado. But, he did not share the pipe with any other fellow snowboarders and he hid is new tricks, double corks, from the rest of the field for a long time. On the other hand Kevin Pearce, a true snowboarder's snowboarder, had a private pipe built and shared it with a number of other snowboarders. Snowboarding is not like figure skating where everything is competitive, people are meant to progress together and have fun doing it. The only competition that should happen is at the actual events, aside from that, everyone should be riding together trying to get better as a group. Also, I understand that being the prodigy that he was, some arrogance must have gotten to Shaun White's head. But he acts as though he is the only good snowboarder out there, when in fact that could not be farther from the truth. There are plenty of other snowboarders out there who I believe to be as good as him or better than him in their own events. Travis Rice, for example, is a far better all around rider because, he can ride ANYTHING. Eiki Helgason is a far better rail rider than White, and Torstein Horgmo, or Halldor Helgason could easily beat Shaun in a slopestyle competition. I think that as a pipe rider few can beat Shaun but if you were to put him in the back country he would not fare as well. Lastly, although this is not a REAL knock on Shaun, when he does his tricks he tends to do easy grabs. This is not to say that what he is doing is not hard, because it is ridiculous. All I am saying is that when Shaun White does a double cork he grabs is toes, when Danny Davis does a double cork he grabs his tail. What Davis does is exponentially harder, not to mention the fact that it looks a lot better. All this is not to say that a I dont respect Shaun as a snowboarder, I'm just saying that there is a lot he does that I don't like.


  1. You are a dumbass. U should retire from blogging. Go Shaun White!

  2. u obviously know nothing about snowboarding

  3. While he might be a little harsh on Shawn, there might be a point here. On one hand White owes nothing to "the sport." He can go about practicing with or without anyone else and it's just his own business. And how he is, both on and off the pipe, has brought a bright spotlight to it all. That in itself is a real lot. On the other hand, there is something true, I think, about how one relates to the others who are in the sport. Of course, for all I know, White is a real friend to others. How was Ali to other boxers? How was Ruth or Marris or Mantle to others in baseball? The pressures of high celebrity aside, I think it's a legit question...

  4. urrrgghh uhhhmm im kinda curious where you get your info from...i find it hard to believe that he rode his personal pipe totally alone for how ever long hes had it. and who cares if he did, everyone and anyone can shred however they want, you shouldnt waste your time hatin, go out and ride. if theres any cuss to be said bout shaun it should be how hes pushin his own new nick name.HA i lost the food i had in my mouth when i heard he doesnt wanna be called the flying tomatoe anymore, wants to go by monster...from seseme street... tsss everyone knows you dont get to pick your own tag, hes should jus be happy its not gingervitis, i think the flying tomatoe is rad and he should get it tattooed on his forehead or under his eyes, twan dixon steee
